New date for Amnesty in Norway's Annual General Meeting

Due to the situation with the Corona virus, Amnesty in Norway's Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was to be held the 24th to 26th of April 2020, was cancelled. The board has now decided that there will be a new AGM on the 17th of October, either in real life or online.

Publisert: 18. Mar 2020, kl. 08:38 | Sist oppdatert: 27. aug 2020, kl. 12:05

The board of Amnesty in Norway has decided that the AGM will be held on the 17th of October 2020. Due to uncertainties regarding infection prevention measures the meeting will be held either physical or digital. More information on this will follow.

Either way, the meeting will be limited to one day and will carry out the most important tasks of an AGM. Details of what this will entail of program will be decdied at a later date, but the meeting wll at least contain what is listed in the rules of procedure for the AGM (Forretningsorden for landsmøtet).

it is important to note that even if you had signed up for the AGM in April, you will have to sign up for the AGM again. An invitation will be distributed to all members.

For further information, see Q&A below or email [email protected].

Below is information that was published when the original AGM from the 24th to 26th of April was cancelled

We hope it will be possible to postpone the meeting to the autumn of 2020. However, there are still too many factors of uncertainty to make a decision on that matter at this point. Consequently, a decision on whether the AGM will be postponed or not will be taken on a later occasion, and we will provide more information as soon as such a decision is made.

We live in a time when each and one of us needs to take care of one another, taking the necessary steps to stop the spread of this virus. We hope that every Amnesty member will join us in this effort.

The board has taken this decision in accordance with Amnesty International in Norway's statutes. §5 says that, under extraordinary circumstances, it is possible to postpone the AGM, given that members are consulted on the issue and that it is considered strictly necessary. The situation we are currently in is, with no doubt, extraordinary. Further, the Nomination Committee is consulted, and they have given the following recommendation: "We recommend that the period of the current board is prolonged and that the election of a new board is postponed to the autumn when it again will be possible to hold a somewhat ordinary election."

Additionally, it is necessary to respect the rules set by the county of Ullensaker, where the AGM was to be held, forbidding any administrative or social event with more than three participants.

We find it very sad that the AGM is cancelled. We have been looking forward to an important and eventful weekend with all of you. We ask for understanding for the decision made, and we hope you will join us whenever the new AGM is set. We will get through this together. Meanwhile, we should take care of one another, with aspirations of a swift end to this difficult situation.

We understand if you are left with some concerns or questions at this point, related both to yourself and the governance of Amnesty, as our most important and largest democratic and social meeting is cancelled. Below we try to answer as many of those questions as possible. If there still is anything you want to ask about, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat by email: [email protected].

Do you want to help out as a volunteer in these difficult times? We recommend that everybody that has the opportunity to do so volunteer in the effort to stop the pandemic and to mitigate the consequences of it. You may do this by contacting your local county and find more information there.