Send epost- stopp overgrepene i Egypt!
I november kom volden tilbake til Tahrirplassen, hvor fredelige protester tidligere i år førte til Mubaraks fall. En uke før valget er flere titalls demonstranter blitt drept av militærstyrkene da de angrep folkemengden i et forsøk på å fjerne demonstrantene.
23. nov 2011, kl. 10:36
Sist oppdatert:
24. Jan 2012, kl. 15:30
Amnestys ferske rapport viser at overgrepene fra Egypts nye militærmakter ved flere tilfeller overgår den tidligere presidentens skrekkmeritter.
I skarp kontrast til sine lovnader om å beskytte demonstranter uansett standpunkt, har SCAF brukt vold mot flere demonstrasjoner, noe som har resultert i dødsfall og skader.
Mellom 19. og 20. november ble flere titalls demonstranter drept da militærstyrkene angrep folkemengden.
Flere tusen sivile er dømt i militærdomstoler, blant annet for brudd på portforbudet. Minst 13 av dem er dømt til døden. Bloggere og journalister blir trakassert og fengslet for sine forsøk på å kritisere militæret.
Bli med på en epost-aksjon mot den øverste lederen for de militære styrkene.
Amnesty krever at
På grunn av den korte tidsfristen ber vi om at dere sender appellen direkte til lederen for militærstyrkene, Feltmarskalk Marshal Muhammad Tantawi direkte på epost: [email protected]
Utkast til appellbrev
Leader, Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
Field Marshal Muhammad Tantawi
Dear Field Marshal,
I call on the SCAF to protect demonstrators, stop excessive use of force, and end military trials of civilians.
I am deeply worried by the increasingly bloody crackdowns on protests in Egypt. While the Egyptian authorities have a duty to maintain law and order, they must not use excessive force to crack down on peaceful protests. Instead, the SCAF must respect Egyptians’ rights to freedom of assembly and expression, as guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Egypt is a state party. Incidents where the military and security forces are believed to have used excessive force must be subject to prompt, independent and impartial investigations, as required by international law and standards.
I am further concerned that, since the armed forces were deployed in late January, thousands of civilians have faced unfair trials before military courts. Such trials violate the right to a fair and public hearing before a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law – including the right to appeal to a higher tribunal. As such, they breach Egypt’s fair-trial obligations under Article 14 of the ICCPR and should never be used to try civilians.
I urge the SCAF to:
Ensure that peaceful protesters are allowed to demonstrate and are not arbitrarily arrested and detained, or tortured or otherwise ill-treated.
Guarantee that all security forces, including the army, do not use excessive force when policing demonstrations and comply fully with the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.
Open independent investigations into all cases where the military and security forces are reported to have used excessive force and ensure such investigations are in line with international law and standards.
Publish and disseminate in a form that is readily accessible to the public the rules and regulations on the use of force by all security forces, including the army.
End the practice of trying civilians before military courts;
Immediately and unconditionally release any one detained solely for criticising the army and the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and assembly;
Release those facing trial before military courts or transfer ongoing cases to civilian courts for a new trial, in proceedings that meet international standards for fair trial and without recourse to the death penalty,;
Order fair re-trials for others already convicted by military courts or release them.
Yours sincerely,
Valg 28. november
Nyvalg er planlagt i en periode på tre runder fra 28. november 2011 til 11. mars 2012, men militærrådet lanserte den 1. november et grunnlovsdokument, der militæret gis en stor rolle i styringen av landet.
Dette blir av mange sett på som et forsøk på å tilegne seg mer makt før regjeringsmakten gis til et sivilt styre, og en ny grunnlov skrives.
I skarp kontrast til sine lovnader om å beskytte demonstranter uansett standpunkt, har SCAF brukt vold mot flere demonstrasjoner, noe som har resultert i dødsfall og skader.
Mellom 19. og 20. november ble flere titalls demonstranter drept da militærstyrkene angrep folkemengden.
Flere tusen sivile er dømt i militærdomstoler, blant annet for brudd på portforbudet. Minst 13 av dem er dømt til døden. Bloggere og journalister blir trakassert og fengslet for sine forsøk på å kritisere militæret.
Bli med på en epost-aksjon mot den øverste lederen for de militære styrkene.
Amnesty krever at
- Feltmarskalk Marshal Muhammad Tantawi umiddelbart stanser de voldelige angrepene mot sivilbefolkningen og bruken av militære domstoler for å dømme demonstranter.
- Den overdrevne bruken av makt og vold mot demonstrantene etterforskes, og de ansvarlige stilles for retten.
- Demonstranter som er fengslet for sin fredelige bruk av ytringsfriheten må løslates umiddelbart og betingelsesløst.
- Militærstyrkene må sikre sivilbefolkningens rettigheter, inkludert ytringsfrihet og forsamlingsfrihet.
På grunn av den korte tidsfristen ber vi om at dere sender appellen direkte til lederen for militærstyrkene, Feltmarskalk Marshal Muhammad Tantawi direkte på epost: [email protected]
Utkast til appellbrev
Leader, Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
Field Marshal Muhammad Tantawi
Dear Field Marshal,
I call on the SCAF to protect demonstrators, stop excessive use of force, and end military trials of civilians.
I am deeply worried by the increasingly bloody crackdowns on protests in Egypt. While the Egyptian authorities have a duty to maintain law and order, they must not use excessive force to crack down on peaceful protests. Instead, the SCAF must respect Egyptians’ rights to freedom of assembly and expression, as guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Egypt is a state party. Incidents where the military and security forces are believed to have used excessive force must be subject to prompt, independent and impartial investigations, as required by international law and standards.
I am further concerned that, since the armed forces were deployed in late January, thousands of civilians have faced unfair trials before military courts. Such trials violate the right to a fair and public hearing before a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law – including the right to appeal to a higher tribunal. As such, they breach Egypt’s fair-trial obligations under Article 14 of the ICCPR and should never be used to try civilians.
I urge the SCAF to:
Ensure that peaceful protesters are allowed to demonstrate and are not arbitrarily arrested and detained, or tortured or otherwise ill-treated.
Guarantee that all security forces, including the army, do not use excessive force when policing demonstrations and comply fully with the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.
Open independent investigations into all cases where the military and security forces are reported to have used excessive force and ensure such investigations are in line with international law and standards.
Publish and disseminate in a form that is readily accessible to the public the rules and regulations on the use of force by all security forces, including the army.
End the practice of trying civilians before military courts;
Immediately and unconditionally release any one detained solely for criticising the army and the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and assembly;
Release those facing trial before military courts or transfer ongoing cases to civilian courts for a new trial, in proceedings that meet international standards for fair trial and without recourse to the death penalty,;
Order fair re-trials for others already convicted by military courts or release them.
Yours sincerely,
Valg 28. november
Nyvalg er planlagt i en periode på tre runder fra 28. november 2011 til 11. mars 2012, men militærrådet lanserte den 1. november et grunnlovsdokument, der militæret gis en stor rolle i styringen av landet.
Dette blir av mange sett på som et forsøk på å tilegne seg mer makt før regjeringsmakten gis til et sivilt styre, og en ny grunnlov skrives.